Denis Voskov
Project leader / thermal-compositional capabilities

Denis is an Associate Professor at TU Delft. He received his Ph.D. degree in Applied Mathematics from Gubkin Russian University of Oil and Gas in 2002. Dr. Voskov former positions include senior researcher at Stanford University, founder and chief technology officer of Rock Flow Dynamics company, chief engineer at YUKOS EP company, and leading engineer-mathematician at the Institute for Problems in Mechanics within the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Ilshat Saifullin
DARTS infrastructure, thermo-geomechanics, induced seismicity

Ilshat is a Ph.D. candidate at the Delft University of Technology. He started his Ph.D. in 2022. His Master of Science is in Applied Math and Computer Science. Main research interests are numerical methods for reservoir simulation, high performance computing, and linear solvers.
Luisa Orozco
Framework support, documentation

Luisa is an Research Software Engineer at the Netherlands eScience center. She is participating in the open-DARTS project as a software engineer. She received her Ph.D. degree in Mechanics and civil engineering from Montpellier University in 2019. Dr. Orozco has a strong background in numerical simulations and her current interests include Machine learning, open-source software, open-science, and software sustainability.
Michiel Wapperom
Modelling of thermodynamics and complex physics (darts-flash)

Michiel is a Ph.D. candidate at Delft University of Technology. He obtained his master degree in Petroleum Engineering at TU Delft. His research is mainly focused on modelling of thermodynamics in DARTS, developing a library for advanced multiphase (non-)equilibrium thermodynamics calculations required for thermal-compositional-reactive simulation problems. Of special interest to Michiel is the modelling of hydrates, both in relation to operational hazards as well as naturally occurring hydrate deposits.
Xiaoming Tian
Optimization and adjoint gradients

Xiaoming is a Ph.D. candidate at Delft University of Technology. He received his bachelor and master degree in Petroleum Engineering from China University of Geosciences (Beijing) and China University of Petroleum (Beijing), respectively. His current research interest is about efficient inverse modeling of multiphase multi-component flow with adjoint gradient.
Gabriel Serrao Seabra
Proxy modeling and data assimilation

Gabriel holds a bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering from the UERJ, a master's degree in Mechanical Engineering, and a post-grad in Data Science from PUC-Rio. He joined Petrobras in 2012 as a Petroleum Engineer. He was manager of Digital Transformation at Petrobras until 2022. Currently, Gabriel is a Ph.D. candidate in Civil Engineering and Geosciences with primary research on improving risk and uncertainties analyses of CCUS projects operations through data assimilation in physics-based proxy models..
Yuan Chen
Geothermal modeling and uncertainty quantification

Yuan is a Ph.D. candidate at TU Delft. He received his bachelor's degree in Petroleum Engineering from China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) and his master's degree in Petroleum Engineering and Geoscience from Delft University of Technology. His main research topics are uncertainty quantification and geothermal modeling. Yuan also worked for more than three years as a Software Engineer in Fugro Innovation & Technology B.V.
George Hadjisotiriou
Machine Learning for parametrization

George is a Ph.D. candidate at Delft University of Technology. He started his Ph.D. in March 2023. He received his MSc in Geo-Energy Engineering and BSc in Applied Earth Sciences from Delft University of Technology. His research interests include data-driven proxy modeling of complex gas injection processes, as well as inverse modeling and compositional upscaling.
Sajjad Moslehi
Coupled wellbore-reservoir modeling

Sajjad is a PhD candidate at the Delft University of Technology. He received his B.Sc. degree in petroleum engineering and M.Sc. degree in hydrocarbon reservoir engineering from the Petroleum University of Technology in Iran. For his PhD project, he is working on the development of a wellbore simulator and then a coupled wellbore-reservoir model for energy transition applications.
Mark Khait (former member)
Main developer of simulation engine and infrastructure (now at Stone Ridge Technology)

Mark was a postdoc in Reservoir Engineering at Delft University of Technology. He received his Ph.D. degree in Petroleum Engineering from TU Delft in 2019. His research interests included reservoir simulation, nonlinear solvers, high-performance computing, manycore architectures and deep learning. During his Pd.D., Mark has also completed internships at Stone Ridge Technology and Aramco Research Center. Previously, he worked for eight years as a Senior Researcher at Rosneft Oil Company.
Stephan de Hoop (former member)
Chemical reactions and discretization (now at ALTEN Netherland)

Stephan was a Ph.D. candidate at the Delft University of Technology. He started his Ph.D. in December 2017. He received his Master of Science in Petroleum Engineering and Geoscience also from the Delft University of Technology (cum laude). He did his bachelor is in Civil Engineering. Main research interests are numerical methods for reservoir simulation and uncertainty quantification.
Yang Wang (former member)
Geothermal capabilities (now at Qingdao University of Technology)

Yang was a Ph.D. candidate at TU Delft. He received his bachelor and master degree in Petroleum Engineering from China University of Petroleum in 2013 and 2016 respectively. After that, he started his Ph.D. journey at TU Delft. His research interests included nonlinear flow and reactive transport in high-enthalpy geothermal systems.
Xiaocong Lyu (former member)
Black-oil and foam capabilities (now at China University of Petroleum, Beijing)

Xiaocong was a Ph.D. candidate at TU Delft. He received his master’s degree in petroleum engineering from China University of Petroleum (Beijing) in 2017. His research interest was to study the complex foam behavior in porous media during foam enhanced oil recovery (EOR) processes based on the data obtained from lab experiments or field observation. Foam then is injected to mitigate gravity override and improve gas sweep efficiency, which provides a possible strategy to develop robust and efficient CO2 EOR and storage technology.
Artur Palha (former member)
Linear-solvers, infrastructure

Artur was a senior researcher at the Netherlands eScience Center. He has been participating in the open-DARTS project as a software engineer. He received his Ph.D. degree in Numerical Analysis from TU Delft in 2013. Dr. Palha, was also a guest researcher at TU Delft, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering.
Kiarash Mansour Pour (former member)
Multi-segmented well

Kiarash was a Ph.D. candidate in Delft University of technology. He received his master degree in Energy Engineering from Politecnico di Milano. His main research project was about the numerical simulation of the Geothermal well.